Thursday, January 14, 2010

GS02 and The Shining Darkness

Thoughts on Black Feather Dragon :

1) Its art is cool. Like some sort of dark phoenix
2) Its stats are ok, beating Stardust and Mental Sphere to the ground
3) ITS EFFECT SUCKS! Did i mention it sucks? The only thing i see it as is an anti-burn card.


Well. If it's cheap, i wouldn't mind 2-3 of them sitting in my album. It looks collectable. Also, i wouldn't mind putting 1 in my Extra Deck just for those Burn decks out here *cough...douchebag...cough*

Thoughts on new GS02 updates :

1) Gold Barbaros is always good.
2) Konami seems to be encouraging peeps to make Dimensional Eatos decks.

Well, the full list isn't out yet, but i have seen some spectulation lists, and i must say if it really is the way i think it will be, then its worth every penny i would pay for the packs.

Also, Gold Book of Moon is always a pleasure to have.

Conclusion : I think i will buy 1 box, provided i have the money to spare.



That's all.


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