Monday, November 30, 2009


Just noticed that within the past few months , i have used decks that have a trend.

Like this :

October : Lightsworn (LIGHT)
Early November : Chaos Control (LIGHT/DARK)
Late November to now : Blackwings (DARK)

See the trend?

Its like a descend into darkness.

Truth be told , i didn't really like playing Lightsworn. Just didn't like the idea that the deck was running itself and i wasn't really in control of the deck. However , i've changed into playing Blackwings (Oppression Build). Its going fine , although its still a tough fight when playing against Lightsworn and Twilight Variants.

Still working on adapting to the playstyle. And i received an extra early Christmas present of the Yusei Duel Disk DX set. Its nice to have a Starlight Road randomly splashed into decks.

It's art is totally cool! ^_^

That's it for today.


P.S : Tragoedia is annoying + gay

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