Its 9.38am in the morning, and i'm making an early post before i go studying.
As you all know, Vayu Turbo and Zombie Synchro are pretty much dominating the format right now *not forgetting the threat of Lightsworn when EXP2 comes out*. There are also Zombie BF decks lurking around , which is the combination of Vayu and Zombie Synchro.
And , no , i'm not a supporter of them.
That is why this post is to help other players against the terror of the undead.
Key Cards/Things :
1) Graveyard
2) Tragoedia
3) Brionac , Dragon of the Ice Boundary
4) Plaguespreader Zombie
5) Dark Grepher
These are what i feel is the core engine of the deck. You remove those , and the opponent can scoop. Why do i say so?
1) Everything in this damm deck revolves around the graveyard. Side in some Dimensional Fissure or Royal Imperial Wall , and it would cripple this deck
2) Tragoedia is ..... gay in this deck. Dump Mezuki and take your monster. I would personally side 3 Fissures to control the no. of Tragoedia's on the field, and even other monsters.
3) Brionac..Zombie Synchro varieties revolve around this card too. Bottomless it or heck , Solemn it to halt the OTK
4) Plaguespreader , ever so broken in Zombie Synchro. Prohibition says hi
5)Yes , if you're playing against them , Dark Grepher is a threat too, as it can potentially set up the domination of the game. Dump Sirocco , Vayu , Plaguespreader , Necro Gardna. Best to get rid of it soon or when your opponent summons/SP summons it.
So.... These are my opinions on the current top deck, and i hope that if you guys have any suggestions , feel free to comment.
Advertisement : Heck with Zombies , just run Dimensional GB!!!
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