Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prelims + J&D + New Wants + etcetc...

Prelims has just started, and i could say that it went on a good start. E Maths was easy , while the English papers were ok for me.

Tomorrow is Chinese Paper 1 followed by E Maths Paper 2. Abit worried about Chinese , cause i want to do WAY better in the retest.

EXP2 just came out and i have spent alot of it , with bad return...However , i got enough Heralds to make the Junk and Debris deck i posted earlier this month.

Got some wants here , if you have any , you can SMS me at 81633781 or comment here.


1x Natural Beast
3x Dark Bribe
1x Arcanite Magician
2x Vandalyon , the Dark Dragon Lord

Finally , to end off this extremely short and quick post before i go to sleep, I'm heading down to the Jurong tournament this Saturday to test out my AKB deck (No Volcanics , LOL). Cannot resist ,and i want to destress myself. Besides , who can refuse a DT01 Brionac , Vayu , Dark End , etc etc as prizes.

Hope you guys can go down too!!


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